Breaking Down Search Engine Marketing
SEM (Search Engine Marketing) and SEO (Search Engine Optimization) are interlacing and complex. The difficulties of knowing where and when to invest, particularly if the business is small, and the budget is constrained, with perhaps staff shortages in addition, may require real expert and experienced advice.
The Targets
The very fact of surfers pro-actively searching websites for nuggets of information indicates that these visitors are hot prospects for the products on offer. It is for this very reason that the display of the marketing message is so important for the business. Google is the biggest target of SEM, but Bing and Baidu (of China) are beginning to gain ground. There are other big players who also use a search engine to display results. YouTube and Amazon are important contributors to SEM now. There are others too, like FaceBook and Linked-in, but they are different, because their displays of ads are based on demographics and preferences, and not pro-active searches.These are factors that are highly considered buy businesses looking to strategically allocate there marketing budget funds. For example, a casual dating platform like the fuck finder hookup site or affair dating site Ashley Madison would be geared toward strict demographics. Namely, adults. Moreover some of the previously mentioned platforms don’t allow advertising of what they deem “adult content.” This is just one example more specifics are applied to many businesses from pharmaceuticals to medical devices. However, in the world of search there are always places to be discovered, accessed, and harnessed for conversions.
The Method
The interesting thing is that, even if an individual Advertiser has not run paid Adwords, and in fact not done much to ensure about being seen in the main results, the Ad may already be showing up for certain phrases in the main listings. And even if the console is not hooked up, much information may be gleaned from other analytic tools like Matomo. The search procedure advised is as follows:
- The Advertiser (or his support team) should try to locate any words or phrases for which significant numbers of impressions are already showing up.
- Next, the Advertiser should make efforts to improve the message in the META description and title that are usually displayed in the default text. This is to try and find out if clicks can be increased this way.
- Lastly, the Advertiser should concentrate on the page itself, in order to make attractive offers to encourage people to contact the Advertiser or leave contact details an email address will suffice).
- If the website isn’t co-operating, a free copy of “the Website Debug Checklist” may be downloaded and checked out.
Here are 8 Paid Search Marketing tips for Beginners
- Study how PPC works
- Define the Conversion Goals
- Select the PPC Platform
- Detailed Keyword Research must be performed prior to any action
- Careful estimation of means, in order to determine Budget, must be performed in advance, to ensure continuous flow of finances
- The Ad copy must create powerful impact, and be compelling
- Landing Pages must be relevant, and ensure continuation of interest
- Optimization should continue at all times, with powerful tests
The best known and powerful SEM Platform in current use is the Google AdWords. But there are also Bing Ads and Yahoo Search Ads which are very popular also. As an interesting aside, it may be noted that, while all SEM Platforms utilize a PPC advertizing model, not all PPC is SEM.
The Main Types
The main aim of SEM (Search Engine Marketing) is to help the User/Advertiser to get better visibility in search results. There are three main types of SEM:
- Organic SEO is a SEO process that leads to the advertiser’s website content gaining higher visibility in non-local, unpaid results. No charge is levied for clicks through to the Advertiser’s site. Organic search results appear in the first few pages of the search engine results pages organically.
- Local SEO focuses majorly on the Google Map results. Every time a user searches for a specific location, then results that show up based on the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) helps the local businesses. There is no charge for clicks. Local search results appear approximately in the middle of the search engine results page (SERP), and stand out because of the presence of a map. Google gave local businesses a page of their own on their computers on mid-2010, and used to rank businesses in the “Local Search Results”. They have renamed several times, and are right now called “Google My business pages”.
- Sponsored Search Results or Pay-Per-Click (PPC) are Google AdWords or PPC is a form of online advertising with Google. The idea to do advertising based on keywords and phrases that bring the sponsored results to the SERPs. Every time a user clicks on the ads, the advertisers will be paid a fee.
While these three are similar, the main difference between them are as follows:
- The prompts for business or content display in search results
- The speed with which the search results show up the business
- The major factors in achieving page 1 ranking
The SEM Tradeoffs
In a general rule of thumb, the sum total of income to a business , organization or individual, is proportional to the amount of attention received. This is one reason why those who can afford it, splash out on celebrities for their Ads. But to leave a lasting encashable interest, the Advertiser must create attention to the Product or Services offered. To achieve this, appearance and content are the key.
The SEM is only one of the ways to deliver good quality traffic to a website. But it is not the only way. And it may not even be the best solution. This is due to the sometimes very long wait in SEO, and also the prohibitive cost of paid ads. These costs have shot up since the advent of Adwords. It is often a better option for the smaller businesses to start with Facebook Ads, not only for the far lower cost feature, but the unbelievable targeting options.
But in spite of some such drawbacks, SEM can still provide extraordinary pro-active leads, and in short time, massive exposure for a Business. Not just the small enterprises and startups, but established Giants have splashed out on SEM.

My Favorite SEO Analytic Tools
Search Engine Optimization or SEO is the process of improving website traffic, by using analytic tools. For this developers and optimizers are constantly on the look-out for the best SEO analytic tools. The reality is, that for a lot of websites higher rankings equals more revenue. So any edge over the competition can have a big impact. This is true for many industries and verticals across online businesses. All it takes to see this is a look at popular search engine results pages (SERPs) for competitive keyword searches. If we peer into the world of online dating you will see companies jostling for the top spots on searches like “best dating spot.” The competition is especially fierce in niches where paid advertising opportunities are limited such as with gambling, adult content, or escorts and adult service providers. For example, take one of the largest escort sites skipthegames.app. The SERP for their name “skipthegames” has vast competition simply due to the overall volume of search inquiries. Thus, it should take no further convincing that if you are interested in improving your SEO game, it is worth using some of the best SEO analytic tools.
Some of my favorite SEO analytic tools which I use on a daily basis are:
- Mozbar: This powerful Tool is able to generate an instant report on any website being viewed. To be armed with this Tool when one is on a SEO mission is to have an ace up one’s sleeve. The Mozbar button is located conveniently in the browser toolbar. Mozbar can be located as desired, on top or on the bottom of the browsing window at all times. This toolbar has three main classes of Data: Page attributes, Link Data, and Page Elements. Page Attributes show internal onsite features of optimization, such as robots and load time. The page link data can also be extracted. Next, the Link Data has important data like links and ranking factor. Page Elements opens up the basic data on the on-page SEO. The title, description, H1 and other tags are all displayed. But in order to use Mozbar to its true potential, Users must join as member and pay the regular subscription. Only then the inner data will be made available to the User, and fully assist SEO efforts.
- SEOWorkers Analysis Tool: This is an unbelievably handy Tool, which can be plugged into a website URL to generate a report. This can be any website, even if it doesn’t belong to the User. It does not dig out any new information, but it saves a lot of analysis time. The speed report is also quite detailed. Some are even of a category that Users normally don’t think of checking, like the HTTP Headers Check. Helpful icons are also provided to rate the User’s efforts at analysis.
- WooRank: This Analytic Tool can generate a report literally in seconds. It is not just another free analyzer, but can provide significant insights that are not normally accessed. The geodata is particularly insightful. Social shareability also vies for attention. WooRank has an extraordinary ability to aggregate the maximum social network data in a single place. Even more outstanding is the mobile section, which provides a surprisingly high level of data and perspective. While it sometimes presents inaccurate data, it has a high level of data collection, and works with extreme ease. Its mobile optimization overview makes it an essential tool in today’s market.
- Ubersuggest: Ubersuggest is an all-rounder. It can intuitively guess what the objective of the User is and how it should be approached. It lets the User know what the User’s competitors are doing and how the User needs to adjust tactics to take advantages of Market weaknesses and opportunities. Starting with Ubersuggest is quite easy, and gives the User instant access to the User’s target domain or keyword. It is a great alternative to the more well known Google Keyword Planner, which is now beginning to age. The User needs to first run a search for a primary keyword. Next the User must click ‘Keyword Ideas’ which is located on the left sidebar. This will take the User to a comprehensive report. As the results start coming in, a long list of Keywords, related to the ‘Seed’ Keyword, are provided. The following data is also provided here: Volume, Average CPC (Cost Per Click), PD or Estimation of the Competition in Paid Search, and the Estimated Competition in Organic Search. By going through a few more steps, this Tool actually searches keywords and creates content marketing samples. This may be the ultimate tool for SEO Analytics.
- Google Analytics: Google Analytics is the original SEO Analytics Tool, and nothing can be achieved in this field without it. Known for its high quality and detailed information, Google Analytics is the most powerful SEO Analytics Tools of all. All other Analytic Tools have been derived from Google Analytics.
- Google Search Console: The focus of this Tool has to do with ‘Search’ and ‘Optimization’. Some of the best insights are available on the Dashboard itself. It is with this Dashboard on the Console, that the SEOs and Marketers must keep constant touch with on a regular basis. The Data may be the same or very similar to Google Analytics, but it is presented in a manner (on a Dashboard) that renders it extremely simple and easy to use. While it somewhat reduces the scope of manipulation, it also makes the User’s job more positively active and simple. The Link Data is one of the most important data sets. As a defensive action, Users need to stay up-to-date with toxic Backlinks. It is obvious that Google Search Console is indispensable. The data, the tools and the power are all essential.

Introduction to Internet Marketing
Gone are the days when, marketing was just limited to print, television and newspaper ads. From social media to google ads, we now have access to many more affordable forms of marketing are readily available to companies such as internet marketing or online marketing. The small and medium businesses are also benefited by this as they are finding new ways to compete against the bigger entities.
So what exactly is internet/online marketing? let’s have a closer look at it.
About Internet Marketing
Internet marketing normally refers to any form of advertising on the web. This is done in the form of promotions across various social media platforms, paid advertisements and emails which will be displayed on the search engine. As the age-group of persons using the internet has been on the younger side, the companies have shifted to this form of marketing as they can reach to a maximum number of users, more relevant users at a much lower cost compared to the traditional form of marketing.
With the right strategies and even on a limited budget, small and medium entities are taking on the bigger ones. They are also able to get creative, effectively reach customers at every stage. Imagine a user searching something on Google, in each stage of his search, before he checks out with the final product, your brand will appear in every stage, hence increasing your visibility.
Importance of Internet Marketing
In the World wide web, users are waiting to discover new thing coming on the internet. By this a brand becomes noticeable and the usage of data interpretation and enhanced tools enables to reach out to the most appropriate and proficient customers. Since the use of computer algorithms and tools minimizes the work, connecting to such customers comes becomes pocket friendly. This result shows in your business spending and increases the rate of Returns on your Marketing Investment (ROMI).
Types of Internet Marketing
There are different types of internet marketing strategies such as:
- content marketing
- display advertising
- email marketing
- paid search advertising or PPC
- search engine optimization
- social media marketing
Internet marketing strategies vary from type of business and the goal, however, for sure, internet marketing has become a go-to medium over a period of time, in fact, a necessity as it connects you to most relevant customers at a relatively lesser cost. The main advantage of internet marketing is you don’t necessarily have to be an expert to get started with, you just have to a better understanding of the concepts involved and the way it can be incorporated in your business. There are few things which you need to emphasize on the right keywords as this will help you in search engine optimization (SEO), and relevant content related to the nature of the business.
Conclusively, Internet/Online Marketing is a judicious way using the on-line channels to create a brand and ultimately get more sales for your business. The internet is your target market and hence can’t afford to forego on this medium.
Finally, once you have the right internet marketing strategy in place, you know you have arrived as it will instantly help your business flourish!